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ESP International

ESP International

We offer young players an invaluable opportunity to develop their soccer skills by training among the top French players of their category, facing stimulating sports challenges, all under the guidance of UEFA licensed coaches in a conducive learning environment for progress. This experience includes participation in National evaluation test thanks to GPS technology and friendly games with professional teams of the same category.

Thanks to unique connections and exclusive partnerships with local professional clubs, players will have the opportunity to be fully integrated in U17 or U19 roster of National teams (the highest level in France for those age group). Players will participate in friendly games, tournaments, and competitions against pro teams every weekend exposing their talent to the numerous scouts attending each game.
This will allow them to compete against players of the same age from other regions or even other countries, which will contribute to their football development and broaden their horizons.

From U13 to U15 
From U16 to U19
Preparing the player for high level competition 
3 month program
10-month program 
National Competition 

*only accessible to European passport before the age of 18 years old